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Pink Blossom

ThE Imperfect Mum

An online hub to help you emotionally heal & create a happier more balanced life.

Helping you go from anxious overwhelmed and guilt ridden to calm confident and happy.

Do you find yourself...

  • In a constant internal battle between wanting to be a good Mum and worrying time is going so quickly.

  • Desperately needing a break but feeling paralysed by indecision about how to help yourself.

  • Feeling like you you have completely lost who you are and like you don't know how to trust your intuition anymore 

  • Wanting to work, find your purpose and do something you love but feeling like you don't have the energy to do anything more than what you are already doing. 

  • Wanting to do things differently to your own Mum but feeling unsure of how to navigate this. 

  • Resenting your partner because he's still living his life and doesn't get how hard this all is for you.

  • Feeling like no one really understands what you're going through and everyone else seems to be coping so much better than you. So you hide your worst bits and feel even more alone. 

The journey you will take with
The Imperfect

Here's where you are right now

  • You're feeling lost, overwhelmed and a little bit shit about yourself. 

Imagine if....

  • You had the energy to parent your children and live your life in a way that makes you proud.

  • You had time to recharge your batteries so your kids weren't just getting a stressed-out version of you.

  • You and your partner felt like lovers and friends again rather than just Mum and Dad.

  • You felt like a good enough Mum and stopped comparing yourself to those "PERFECT" ones.

  • You have a toolkit of healthy habits that you used to prevent you from constantly losing your shit.

Launch PRICE is just £22.

This investment for Happy Mum Course is £111.

I want everyone to be able to access the course so there are payment plans available. 

  • The Imperfect Mum course

    • + 2 Live calls per month
    • + Library
    • + Journal & planner prompts
    • + Access to the 'Imperfect Mum Community' space

Why I created The Imperfect Mum?

Before becoming a Mum, I worked for 10 years as a Family worker with Mum's who struggled with their mental health, witnessing the impact it had on their children.


Knowing this, my top priority upon becoming a mother was to be healthy both mentally and physically.  Raising Happy children isn't easy when you dont feel Happy so I really do see my happiness as a gift to them.

I have designed Happy Mum for other Mum's like me so that you can start building a toolkit of healthy habits. Which will not only support your mental health but you will be able to teach your children.


Making change on your own is so much harder and I understand not everyone can afford 1-1 counselling. So I have put together all the tricks and hacks I have learned in my private practice for you to work through at your own pace.


You may want to revisit courses again and again and I will be adding weekly content so this is just the start.


Supporting Mothers to raise healthy children is not only my profession but also my passion so if there is anything you would like me to cover please send me a message.. Were on this journey together.....

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Pink Blossom

The course includes
7 Self-paced courses:

Finding your tribe.


This module is all about the Power of vulnerability. Letting people get to know the real you is the key to finding the people you need around you.


Happy Mums are surrounded by other Mums who are there when life gets hard. 




You are important too.


How to start protecting your energy and living a life that is spent doing things that make you feel happy. 

Navigating Anxiety and Finding ways to calm your nervous system


Anxiety really is an epidemic right now, but that doesn't mean you have to accept it as part of your journey through Motherhood.



Relationships after kids-

How to make each other a priority.


Relationships after kids and how I convinced my husband (who thinks therapy is for crazy people) to go to couples therapy. This session will help you to focus on what you can change and what you can control.

Routines for a Happier Life


(That happy life youre dreaming of doesn't just happen)


 Creating happiness and time for you amidst the chaos isn't easy. This session looks at routines schedules and boundaries- It sounds so boring but it is the only way you are going to ever fit in time for all of the FUN we are about to create.

Why does everyone keep talking about mindset?


If you constantly doubt yourself, never push yourself or never step out of your comfort zone because you're crippled by the worst-case scenarios this is for you.



Reparenting yourself and finding your inner child.


As a therapist who specialises in early attachments, I see every day how our childhood affects who we are as adults. The first step in making change is to have a really good understanding of who you are and how you came to be. Self-awareness is key to building a Happy life. 



What is Matreensce


Matrescence, the developmental phase of new motherhood, is like adolescence — a transition when hormones surge, bodies change, and identity and relationships shift.


Matrecense is the part of Motherhood no one is talking about but we all so desperately need to know more about.

Extra Sessions


At any time during the course, if you feel like there is something you want to explore in more depth I recommend booking a 1-1 session with me to dive in and we can start to unpick it together. 


A members-only community group.


Weekly live Q & A's with Natasha

The Imperfect Mum is for you if...

Life is feeling really hard and at the end of each day you're finding hard to find the magic amongst the madness.


If you don't feel like the Mum you want to be and you spend every evening scrolling social media looking for tools to be better.


If you're feeling so overwhelmed with everything that it takes to raise your child you can never find anytime for you.


If you keep hearing 'it takes a village' to raise a child and you can't find yours.


If anxious thoughts are controlling your life and you don't want your children to start feeling like worrying all the time is healthy.


If you are constantly battling with your partner and you want to be a team again

“Working with Natasha has made me feel lighter and like anything is possible. She is so good at seeing my strengths and helping me realise things I have spent my whole life missing"
“Natasha is fab to work with, she has a really calming nature and always made me feel at east. She was able to help me bring a lot of awareness to certain situations which were holding me back in my life and helped me to move through these in such a positive way”
Pink Blossom

What happens if I miss the live calls?

Not to worry, if you can't make every call - you are entitled to time off! Every call is recorded and uploaded to the course portal to catch up on in your own time. 

What is the cancellation policy?

There is no commitment to the membership, although I'm not sure why you'd ever want to leave! You can cancel at any time by logging in to your account. 

I havent had therapy before will I still benefit.

Yes, the courses are designed to benefit you at any stage of the healing process.nYou can also work through it at your own pace and repeat bits if you want.

Let's Get

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